This page contains tech-stack that I familiar with sorted by how frequently I use them.

  • Language
    • Go
    • Python
    • Rust
    • Dart
    • Bash
    • Lua
    • PHP
    • Java
    • Scala
    • TypeScript
    • Zig (currently learning)
  • Database
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB
    • MySQL
    • Redis
    • Cassandra
    • Memcached
  • Cloud Provider
    • AWS
    • GCP*
    • AlibabaCloud
  • Tools
    • Git
      • Gitlab*
      • Github
    • Container
      • Podman*
      • Docker
      • Portainer
    • Kubernetes
      • Helm
      • Operators
    • Observability
      • OpenTelemetry
      • Grafana Stack
        • Grafana
        • Tempo
        • Prometheus
        • Mimir
      • SigNoz
      • Datadog
    • Virtualization
      • KVM
      • ESXi
    • Provisioning
      • Terraform
      • Ansible
    • UptimeRobot
  • Frameworks
    • Flutter
    • FastAPI
    • Laravel
    • React
    • probably anything you throw at me.

* == Preferred